2024-June & July
Day-trip ... bushwalk to:
Lion Rock
Mugii Murum-ban State Conservation Area
NSW, Australia
PDF version
If you prefer ...
A slightly shorter PDF report of the trip is in this link:
Otherwise, read on ...
Lion Rock
This bushwalk is described in Walk 24 in the book
"Mugii Murum-ban State Conservation Area
A Bushwalking Paradise"
(MMB book for short)
by Michael Keats, Brian Fox and Yuri Bolotin.
From Bushexplorers Encyclopaedia:
Lion Rock refers to:
- An isolated sculptural rock formation
which has a strong resemblance to a resting lion.
- Located within an area known as
The Three Hundred Sisters,
300 meters east of Genowlan Mountain.
- Named by Yuri Bolotin and Brian Fox
on a Bush Club walk 2017-Nov-24.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to climb to the top of the Lion’s head 😭
This trip report
This write up is a combined report of 2 bushwalks:
- 2024-June
1 John Graham - leader
2 Ann
3 Amy Chi
4 Grace Fang
5 Hernawati Sumana (Herna for short)
6 Paul Ma
7 Sornkin Lam
- 2024-July
1 Paul - leader
2 Adrian Sie
3 Amy Chi ... again
4 Israel Carlos
5 Noa Moag
6 Robyn Skanda
7 Sam Dworry
The 2 trips are almost identical.
The main difference:
After visiting Lion Rock:
- 2024-June: John takes us to The 300 Sisters area.
- 2024-July: We return straight to our cars.
Topographic map
1:25,000 scaled 8931-4N Glen Alice
The 2024-June GPS recording is in the 3 maps below.
1) Relevant part of the 1:25,000 topographic map:
- Blue arrow at bottom-left corner:
2024-June ... Start and end at a locked gate
Grid Ref 2462 3162, Genowlan Summit Track
The gate is locked on the day 😭
- Next blue arrow above it:
2024-July ... Start and end
Grid Ref 2658 3279, Genowlan Plateau Track
Dirt road has been graded. Cars can go further up.
- The other 4 blue arrows at top-right corner,
clockwise from bottom:
1 2024-June, go off track ... Grid Ref 2678 3493
2 2024-July, go off track ... Grid Ref 2678 3506
It is better to go off track here.
3 Lion Slot and platform above it
photos #50 to #70
4 Cave, ie Lion’s Mouth (under Lion’s head)
Grid Ref 2711 3509
- 2 small red arrows (top-right corner): Direction of walk
2) Satellite image.
The icons are the same as previous map.
3) Top-right corner of previous 2 images.
- White oval: Lion Slot and platform above it
photos #50 to #70
- White arrow: Cave / Lion’s Mouth (under Lion’s head)
Grid Ref 2711 3509
- Small yellow arrows: Direction of walk
GPS tracklog file & route
2024-June GPX tracklog is in this link:
(2024-July tracklog is similar.)
In summary:
- Park cars at:
Grid Ref 2462 3162 ... 2024-June
Grid Ref 2658 3279 ... 2024-July
(Refer to Maps 1 & 2.)
- Walk on Genowlan Summit Track
(so named in AllTrails)
- Then Genowlan Plateau Track
- Go off track at:
GR 2678 3493 ... 2024-June
GR 2678 3506 ... 2024-July (This way is better.)
- Lion Gorge, south side
- Explore Lion Slot and the plaform above
- Along Lion's back
- Lion's Mouth which is a cave
- Directly down Lion's Mouth
- 2024-June only ... Explore The 300 Sisters
- Back to our cars
Timeline & Distances
2024-June trip
Park our cars at a locked gate,
Grid Ref 2462 3162 on Genowlan Summit Track.
08:37 0.0 km Start walking, GR 2462 3162
09:53 4.1 km At Garage Cave, GR 2665 3296
09:57 4.15 km Resume walking
10:14 4.8 km At Breadknife, GR 2654 3341
1st morning tea
John & Sornkin climb up a nearby pagoda, GR 2653 3334
10:30 4.91 km Resume walking
10:59 6.57 km Go off-track at GR 2678 3493
(Better is to go off-track at GR 2678 3506,
which is what we did in 2024-July.)
John finds a cement block on the ground.
Photo #16
11:03 6.59 km Resume walking
11:14 6.95 km At a pagoda, GR 2695 3506, photos #17 - #19
Having fun climbing up the pagoda
11:19 6.98 km Resume walking
by going down a ramp by the side of the pagoda
11:30 7.12 km At a pagoda complex
2nd morning tea
11:50 7.2 km Resume walking
12:18 7.52 km At a hollow tree trunk
GR 2705 3515, photos #31, #32
12:20 7.53 km Resume walking
12:23 7.59 km At Lion Gorge
12:43 7.86 km At Lion Slot, its north end, GR 2716 3525
Explore the platform above Lion Slot
13:15 7.99 km Leave Lion Slot
13:46 8.19 km At highest point on Lion's back, GR 2712 3512
13:54 8.21 km Resume walking
13.59 8.24 km At cave, ie Lion's Mouth, GR 2711 3509
14:28 8.3 km Leave cave
14:40 8.36 km At Lion Gorge, same spot as at 12:23.
14:59 8.59 km At a pagoda in The 300 Sisters area.
GR 2702 3522, photos #111 - #114
15:08 8.6 km Leave pagoda
15:11 8.63 km At another pagoda in The 300 Sisters area
GR 2703 3525, photos #115, #116
15:19 8.65 km Leave pagoda
15:40 9.1 km At Genowlan Plateau Track
16:12 11.19 km At Breadknife, GR 2654 3341
Same spot as at 10:14 - 10:30
17:37 15.97 km Back at our cars at the locked gate
Total: 9 hours exactly
15.97 km Distance is from Google Earth
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2024-July: Start and end at Grid Ref 2658 3279
on Genowlan Plateau Track
9:00 am to 4:40 pm
7 hrs 40 mins - duration
Pictures - On our way
Start walking by a locked gate,
Grid Ref 2462 3162 on Genowlan Summit Track.
We are able to drive the car further up,
and start walking at
Grid Ref 2658 3279 on Genowlan Plateau Track.
4) 2024-June group photo at start of the walk ~~~
We are by a locked gate on Genowlan Summit Track.
(2024-July group photo is photo #13.)
- Back row : Herna, Ann, Grace, Paul
- Front row: Amy, Sornkin, John
- Cars, left to right: Sorkin's, Herna's
Selfie by John
5) The Genowlan Summit Track is being graded ~~~
- Amy
6) The Genowlan Summit Track is being graded ~~~
- Sornkin, John 😊
Photo by Herna
Garage Cave
7) Arrive at Garage Cave, Grid Ref 2665 3296 ~~~
- Left to right: Amy, Sornkin, John, Grace, Paul
Photo by Ann
8a, b) Aboriginal Hand Stencil ~~~
In Garage Cave.
9) Aboriginal boomerang stencil ! ~~~
(We are still at Garage Cave.)
Believe or not, boomerang is what it is supposed to be 😊
Reference: https://dingogap.net.au/places/genowlan-mountain-stencils
Genowlan Plateau Track
(So named in AllTrails)
10) Nice cliff ~~~
(Shortly after leaving Garage Cave.)
- Front row: Amy
- Back row, left to right: Sornkin, John, Grace, Ann
- Yellow arrows: Direction of walk along Genowlan Plateau Track
11) Passing this pagoda ~~~
I always wanted to climb up to the red arrow.
Not today, may be next time.
12) Passing "Breadknife", Grid Ref 2654 3341 ~~~
The rock is named by Yuri Bolotin in his MMB book, Walk 24, page 515.
- Amy, 2024-June
- Yellow arrow: Direction of walk
13) A fireplace
In the middle of Genowlan Plateau Track ! ~~~
- 2024-July group photo:
Israel, Sam, Noa, Amy (kneeling), Adrian, Robyn
(2024-June group photo is photo #4.)
14) Sornkin ~~~
Warming her hand by the imaginary fire 😊😊😊
15) John found something ~~~
We are a few meters off Genowlan Plateau Track.
(Refer to photo #16.)
- Grace, John, Herna, Ann, Sornkin, Amy.
16) John found this concrete slab ~~~
Grid Ref 2679 3493.
(Refer to previous pic.)
- Looks like a concrete slab covering a water pipe.
- Word on the last row: Completed
A pagoda
Near the concrete slab of previous pic, go off-track.
And bushbash to a pagoda ... Grid Ref 2695 3506.
17) Robyn ... on top of the pagoda ~~~
- 5 red arrows, left to right:
1 Mount Iris
2 Sentinel Mount
3 Sir Johns Point
4 Gundangaroo Trig
5 Mt Canobla ... (east-south-east-ish)
Photo by Israel
18) Robyn again ~~~
Same pagoda as previous pic.
Down ramp
19) Down a ramp ~~~
By the side of the same pagoda as previous pic.
- Ann, Grace, Sornkin.
20) Down the same ramp of previous pic ~~~
The ramp is slippery !
- Robyn, Noa
Lion Rock from various lookouts
21) One of the many lookouts to Lion Rock ~~~
- John, Ann, Grace, Amy, Herna, Paul
- Red bar: The Hammer
- White oval: Lion Rock
Photo by Sornkin
22) Lion Rock ~~~
From the same lookout as previous pic.
- Amy
- Red bar: The Hammer
- White oval: Lion Rock
Photo by Grace
23) Lion Rock ~~~
from another lookout.
- Sornkin
24) Lion Rock ~~~
Unfortunately, not possibly to climb to top of its head 😭
- Yellow arrows: The way we’ll climb Lion Rock.
2 bottom arrows are along Lion Gorge.
- Yellow dot: Cave (end of our Lion Rock excursion)
Named Lion’s Mouth in Yuri Bolotin’s MMB book, Walk 24
- Cyan arrow: Return trip ... down this steep rock face !
25) Lion Rock from another angle ~~~
Unfortunately, not possibly to climb to top of its head 😭
- Red bar: The Hammer
- Yellow arrows: The way we’ll climb Lion Rock.
Bottom arrow is along Lion Gorge.
- White arrow: Cave (end of our Lion Rock excursion)
Named Lion’s Mouth in Yuri Bolotin’s MMB book, Walk 24
- Cyan arrow: Return trip ... down this steep rock face !
Photo by John
The pagodas / lookouts
26) One of the pagodas overlooking Capertee Valley ~~~
- Paul, John, Amy, Grace, Ann
Photo by Herna
27a, b) A pagoda/lookout to Lion Rock ~~~
- Herna, Sornkin, Grace, John, Paul, Amy.
Photo by John
28) Same pagoda/lookout as previous pic ~~~
- Back row: Ann, John, Paul, Herna, Sornkin
- Front row: Grace, Amy
Photo by John
29) Amy ~~~
- Background: The 300 Sisters
Photo by Ann
To Lion Gorge
30) Down a rock face ~~~
- Sam, Adrian, Israel, Noa
31) A hollow tree trunk, Grid Ref 2705 3515 ~~~
(At bottom of the rock face of previous pic)
- Amy
32) Robyn, Sam.
33) Down this ramp to Lion Gorge ~~~
- Amy
- White oval: Same hollow tree trunk as above
- Yellow circle: Lion Rock
Photo by Robyn
34) Down the same ramp to Lion Gorge ~~~
- Adrian, Sam, Paul, Noa
Photo by Amy
from where she was in the previous pic
from where she was in the previous pic
35) At junction of the ramp & Lion Gorge ~~~
- Adrian, Sam, Israel
- Yellow arrow: Lion Gorge
Lion Gorge
36) Walking northward inside Lion Gorge ~~~
- Amy
37) Quite pleasant inside Lion Gorge ~~~
- Top to bottom: Amy, Paul, Robyn, Adrian
- Yellow arrow: Direction of walk
- White ovals:
Left: Ledge explored by the 2024-June group
Right: Ledge explored by Robyn in 2024-July
Photo by Israel
38) Right side of previous pic ~~~
- White oval: Eucalyptus fastigata (Brown Barrel)
Photos #47 and #48
39) Lion Gorge ~~~
- Clockwise from left: Israel, Sam, Adrian, Noa, Robyn
40) 2024-June group ~~~
At the left white oval of photo #37.
- Herna, Ann, Paul, Amy, John, Grace
Photo by Sornkin
41) Still in Lion Gorge ~~~
- John, Sornkin
Photo by Ann
42) Same log as previous pic ~~~
(viewed from opposite directions)
- Left to right:
Herna, Amy, Ann (on the log)
Photo by John
43) Fig Tree ~~~
- Robyn climbing down the tree root from the ledge
(The ledge is the white oval on the right side of photo #37.)
Photo by Sam
44) Same Fig Tree root as previous pic ~~~
- Amy, 2024-June ... just posing 😊
45) Amy again 😊 ... 2024-July.
46) Sam & Israel ... lovey-dovey.
Photo by Robyn
47) Eucalyptus fastigata (Brown Barrel) ~~~
(near the Fig Tree of previous pic)
- Robyn, Amy
48) Eucalyptus fastigata (Brown Barrel) ~~~
- Sam, Israel
To Lion Slot
49) Detour to Lion Slot ~~~
Which is beyond the right edge of this pic.
- Grace
Photo by Amy
Lion Slot
Grid Ref: 2716 3524 to 2716 3525
Yuri Bototin, in his MMB book, Walk 24, gave the GR as 2713 3515.
I think the book is wrong.
At the bottom of page 509, Yuri said only
Brian Fox & Harold Thompson
checked out the slot.
From the description there,
I think Brian & Harold were at
GR 2716 3524 to 2716 3525
which is where we are going now.
I also suspect they didn’t explore the slot as much as we’ll do.
Because they most certainly didn’t went up the tight vertical hole in photos #55 - #56.
50) Approaching Lion Slot ~~~
- Ann in front, followed by John
51) Lion Slot ~~~
- Paul, Amy
Photo by Robyn
52) Lion Slot ~~~
- Grace, Ann
- 2 yellow routes:
How we'll climb down the rock face later
(Soon, we'll climb up to a platform
at top of the left side cliffs,
via a tight vertical hole/tunnel
well beyond the bottom-left corner of this pic.)
Photo by Amy
53) At the previous pic,
looking back towards the area in photo #51 ~~~
- Amy
- Yellow dot: A gap
Inside is a tight vertical hole/tunnel.
Refer to photo #55.
(The hole/tunnel will lead to a platform at top of the right side cliffs.)
Photo by Grace
54) Ann, at the platform ~~~
(Same background as previous pic)
- Yellow dot: Where Amy was in the previous pic
Photo by Grace
Tight vertical hole/tunnel
55a, b) This hole is inside the gap
mentioned in photo #53 ~~~
It will take us to where Ann was in the previous pic.
- Herna
Photo by John
56) Up the tight vertical hole/tunnel of previous pic ~~~
- Herna
This exciting passage to climb up was not mentioned in Yuri’s MMB book.
Photo by John
Above tight vertical hole/tunnel
57) Paul
After climbing up the tight vertical hole/tunnel ~~~
(Can the large pagada in this pic can be climbed ?
We didn’t explore there 😭 Next time 😊)
- Red arrow: Tayan Pic
Photo by Ann
58) Zooming to where I was in the previous pic ~~~
- Sam, Israel
59) Ann at the platform
taking photo #57 ~~~
(I took this picture from there.)
- To reach Ann,
up the 2nd hole at the yellow dot,
then follow the yellow arrows.
2nd hole/tunnel
60) Crawl up this 2nd hole/tunnel (yellow dot of previous pic) to reach Ann.
61) The same hole/tunnel of previous pic ~~~
- Amy ... watching
- Herna ... crawing up
Photo by Sornkin
Climbing further up to a platform
62) Amy
From Robyn's video
At the platform
63) At the platform ... towards east ~~~
- Sam
In the previous pic, Amy was climbing up towards here.
- 3 red arrows, left to right:
1 Sir Johns Point
2 Gundangaroo Trig
3 Mt Canobla
- Blue arrow: Capertee River flowing east through the gap
64) At the platform ~~~
- Amy
65) Similar scene as photo #57 ~~~
(Can the pagada in this pic can be climbed ?
We didn’t explore there 😭 Next time 😊)
- John, Paul
- Herna ... red hat lady at the bottom edge
(She is at where Paul was in photo #57.)
Photo by Grace
66) Still at the platform ~~~
- Grace
She is going to the back of the rock,
then down to Lion Slot.
- Yellow oval: Where we’ll all climb down to Lion Slot
Photos #68, #69, #70
- Horizontal bars:
1 The Hammer ... towards south-east
2 Land of the Stone Dragon
I was there twice, 2023-Oct & 2023-Nov.
- Red arrow: The head of Lion Rock
67) Looking down at Lion Slot ~~~
(This is the right side of previous pic.
And the scene is similar to photo #52.)
- White arrow: Noa mucking around
She didn’t climb up to the plaform with us.
(Later on:
• Ann, Grace, Amy
will climb down just to the right of Noa.
• Everyone else
will climb down a bit more to the left of her.)
Photo by Amy
Climbing down to Lion Slot
68) Same Lion Slot scene as photo #53 ~~~
- Ann (and Grace & Amy) climb down this way.
- All others via the yellow arrow.
- Small yellow dot: Tight vertical hole/tunnel is inside the gap.
69) Climbing down to Lion Slot (2024-June) ~~~
- Amy, Grace, Ann
As mentioned in the previous pic,
only these 3 climb down this way.
It is difficult to climb down here:
• Grace needs Ann to tell her where to place her foot.
• Amy fell half way down !
Fortunately, no injury. She is very lucky !
70) Amy (2024-July),
and most of the others climb down this way ~~~
- Black oval: Noa was embracing this rock in photo #67.
- Photo #69 is just to the right of the black oval.
It is also not easy to climb down this way.
But it is easier than in the previous pic.
Photo by Noa
The detour to Lion Slot and up to the platform was exciting !
Now, it is time to Lion Rock, main destination of today's bushwalk.
Lion Rock, its ridge
71) Climbing up a ridge, the Lion’s back ~~~
- Clockwise from left: Sam, Israel, Amy
72) Climbing up to top of the ridge ~~~
There is a small cave near the top.
73) The small cave of previous pic ~~~
- Amy
74) The same small cave ~~~
- Paul, Amy
Photo by Grace
75) Amy finds an interesting rock ~~~
- White arrow: A hole ... See photo #77.
76) Same scene as previous pic ~~~
- Sam, Robyn ... On the same rock
- White arrow: The same hole
77) Same rock as previous 2 pics ~~~
This time, Robyn is in the hole 😊
78) View from the ridge ~~~
- White oval:
These rocks are separated from the ridge by a deep gap.
(The closer-by rocks are the ridge we are on now.)
- White arrow: Platform above Lion Slot area
Very very small in this pic
Refer to photos #50 to #70.
- Red arrows, left to right:
1 Mt Marsden ... north-ish, climbed in 2018-Nov
2 Tayan Pic ... north-east, climbed in 2019-Mar
79) View from the ridge towards east ~~~
Similar to photo #63.
- 5 red arrows:
1 Mount Iris ... Not showing up clearly
2 Sentinel Mount ... Not showing up clearly
3 Sir Johns Point
4 Gundangaroo Trig
5 Mt Canobla
- Blue arrow: Capertee River flowing east through the gap
80) Now facing the Lion’s head, red arrow ~~~
- Grace, Amy ... 2024-June
In 2024-July, we have lunch around where they are.
But in 2024-June, we have lunch in a cave (Lion’s Mouth) under Lion’s head.
(The cave is on the other side of the rock.)
81) Still at the ridge which is the Lion’s back ~~~
- Amy ... She is beautiful.
- Background is The 300 Sisters.
82) Panning to the right of previous pic ~~~
- Noa
- Background is The 300 Sisters.
83) A high chair for Grace 😊
Photo by Amy
Lion Rock, its head
84) Now heading to the head of Lion Rock ~~~
In particular, to a cave, ie Lion’s Mouth, on the other side of this rock.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to climb to its top 😭
- Grace, John
85) Zooming to where Grace was in the previous pic ~~~
- Amy
Photo by Robyn
86) Scene here is just beyond the right edge of previous pic ~~~
- Herna, Grace, Sornkin
Herna is about to enter a short tunnel to where Grace & Sornkin are.
87) Ledge to the cave, ie Lion’s Mouth ~~~
Careful !
This scene is after crawling through the short tunnel of previous pic.
- Left to right: Israel, Sam, Adrian
Photo by Robyn
The cave, ie Lion’s Mouth, under Lion’s head
The cave is at Grid Ref GR 2711 3509.
88) Just about to entering the cave ~~~
A bit of a crawl to get in.
- Amy, Grace, Ann, Herna
89) Looking back at the entrance to the cave ~~~
- Adrian ... A bit of a crawl to enter the cave
It was very windy and cold in the cave.
We spent minimal time here,
then left quick and fast.
By contrast, the temperature was quite pleasant.
And this was where we had our lunch.
90) The cave ... 2024-July ~~~
- Left to right: Robyn, Amy, Noa
It is very windy and cold here in 2024-July.
91) The cave ~~~
- Amy
- Red arrow: Tayan Pic ... north-east, climbed in 2019-March
92) Sornkin, Herna ~~~
- Red arrow: Tayan Pic
93) Facing the entrance of the cave ~~~
It is windy and cold here in 2024-July.
- Israel, Sam, Noa
94a, b) Still at the cave ~~~
- Robyn
- 2 red horizontal bars:
1 The Hammer
2 Land of the Stone Dragon
I was there twice, 2023-Oct & 2023-Nov.
Pic a: Photo by Noa
More photos of the cave under Lion’s head
95) Testing your eyesight 😊 ~~~
- Amy, Paul, Ann, Grace, Herna, Sornkin, John
Photo by John
96) Lion’s head ~~~
- White arrow: The cave, ie Lion's Mouth
Photo by John
97) The cave & Lion’s head ~~~
- Yellow arrow: The way we’ll leave Lion Rock
Photo by John
98) The cave & Lion’s head.
Photo by John
99) The cave & Lion’s head ~~~
- Left : Paul, John
Middle: Sornkin, Herna
Right : Grace
Photo by John
100) The cave & Lion’s head ~~~
- John, Sornkin, Amy, Herna, Grace
Testing you eyesight again 😊
Photo by John
101) The cave & Lion’s head ~~~
We entered the cave from middle of the left edge.
- 2 guys in the front: Paul, John
The rest: Ann, Grace, Herna, Sornkin, Amy
- Yellow arrow: We’ll leave Lion Rock this way.
See photos #102 to #106.
- Red arrow: Tayan Pic ... north-east, cimbed in 2019-March
Photo by John
Down the cliff of Lion’s head
Leaving Lion’s head is not by retracing our steps.
Instead, we climb directly down the cliff from the cave.
It is almost vertical !
But there are enough handholds and footholds to make the descent possible without resorting to a rope.
The bottom of the cliff is the area around the bottom of photo #35, which is where we entered Lion Gorge.
102) Down the almost vertical cliff ~~~
- Amy, Grace
- Red bar: Land of the Stone Dragon
I was there twice, 2023-Oct & 2023-Nov.
103) Down the almost vertical cliff ~~~
- John, Ann
- Horizontal bar: The Hammer
104) Same cliff face as previous pic ~~~
- John, Ann, Grace
105) Still climbing down the cliff ~~~
- Amy
106) The cliff is almost vertical ! ~~~
- Sam, Noa, Robyn
107) Looking back at Lion’s head ~~~
- Yellow oval: The cave, ie Lion’s Mouth
- Bottom-right quadrant: Where we climbed down the cliff
108) We’ve climbed down Lion’s head ~~~
- White arrow: The cave, ie Lion’s Mouth
Back at junction of ramp & Lion Gorge
109) We’ve completed a circuit of Lion Rock ~~~
Now back at where photo #35 was taken,
which is the junction of the ramp we climbed down, and Lion Gorge.
- 2 yellow arrows:
Left: The ramp we came down in photo #35
Right: Where we entered Lion Gorge
The 300 Sisters
After the circuit through Lion Rock area,
John takes us to visit a few pagodas in The 300 Sisters.
We go there via the steep ramp below.
Around photo #109, Sam takes over the lead.
She’ll not go to The 300 Sisters.
Instead, she heads straight to the firetrail and back to our cars.
110) Up a steep ramp ~~~
Grid Ref 2699 3520 to 2699 3521
(It is not the ramp in photos #35 nor #109.)
We are going to some pagodas in The 300 Sisters area.
- John, Amy, Ann, Sornkin, Grace, Paul
Photo by Herna
111) On top of a pagoda, Grid Ref 2702 3522 ~~~
(One of the many pagodas in The 300 Sisters area)
- Amy
- Red arrow: Head of Lion Rock
- Horizontal bar: The Hammer
Photo by John
112) On top of the same pagoda as previous pic ~~~
- John’s hands are at the bottom-left corner.
He is taking a photo of Herna & Sornkin.
- Lion Rock: In the background, behind the ladies
113) On top of the same pagoda ~~~
- Amy, Sornkin
114a, b) An Interesting rock formation ~~~
- Yellow oval: The ladies were on top of this pagoda in the previous 3 pics.
115a) Now on top of another pagoda ~~~
Grid Ref 2703 3525
Nice view of our circuit through Lion Rock.
(Similar scenes are photos #24, #25.)
- Horizontal bar: The Hammer
- 2 White arrows:
1 Lunch spot in 2024-July
2 The cave, ie Lion’s Mouth
Lunch spot in 2024-June
- Our circuit
4 yellow arrows, clockwise from bottom-right:
1 Lion Gorge
2 Where we climbed up Lion Rock
3 The ridge that is Lion’s back
4 How we leave Lion Rock
- Lion Slot area (photos #50 to #70) is beyond the left edge of the 2 pics below.
115b) Red arrow: Mt Canobla
- 2 horizontal bars:
1 The Hammer
2 Land of the Stone Dragon
I was there twice, 2023-Oct & 2023-Nov.
116) Scene from the same pagoda,
towards north-east at Tayan Pic ~~~
- Red arrows:
1 Chimney Stack
2 Tayan Pic ... Climbed in 2019 March
- White oval: The village of Watervale
Only a few houses there
- White dashes: Genowlan Road
Return to our cars
117) Back at Breadknife, Grid Ref 2654 3341 ~~~
Same scene as photo #12.
- Amy, 2024-July
- Red arrow: Robyn at Grid Ref 2653 3334
118) Same scene as previous pic, different angle ~~~
On Genowlan Plateau Track, so named in AllTrails
- Robyn ... on a pagoda, Grid Ref 2653 3334
- Amy ... on Breadknife, Grid Ref 2654 3341
119) Another pagoda, Grid Ref 2670 3332 ~~~
We are still on Genowlan Plateau Track.
120) Same pagoda as previous pic ~~~
- Amy, Robyn
121) 2024-July ~~~
About 50 meters down slope from Garage Cave,
a mad 4WD self-winches itself towards the cave.
122) Same scene as previous pic ~~~
A mad 4WD self-winches itself towards Garage Cave.
Amazingly, the mad guy is able to drive his 4WD
over this stretch of the rough road
to a flatter area just below Garage Cave.
But then, he turns around and comes back down.
123) The mad 4WD is coming back down ~~~
The guys here do not belong to our group.
124) 2024-July ~~~
At where our cars are parked.
Grid Ref 2658 3279 on Genowlan Plateau Track
- People, left to right:
Adrian, ? not our group
? not our group
Israel, Sam, Robyn
? not our group, ? not our group
- White arrow: The mad 4WD
We have further to walk ...
to our cars by the locked gate
at Grid Ref 2462 3162 on Genowlan Plateau Track.
And so ends an interesting bushwalk 😊
My other bushwalk in this area
Land of the Stone Dragon ... day trip
Trip report:
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