Upcoming activity program / to-do list

If you are interested to join in the Australian hiking trips below, contact me:
Email:  mntviews@gmail.com

2024 ??? ?? ??? - Wollangambe Crater and hills around it, NSW Blue Mts

2024 ??? ?? ??? - Zobels Point  &  Zobels Gully, NSW Wollemi Nat Pk

2024 ??? ?? ??? - Up Koopartoo Ramp to Koopartoo Point, then down Koopartoo Pass, NSW Wollemi Nat Pk

2024 ??? ?? ??? - Burra Korain Head to Bald Head via Crayfish Creek & Grose River, NSW Blue Mts ... repeat

2024 Dec ?? ??? - Pantoneys Crown via Baal Bone Point, Gardens of Stone  (with Frank & Grace)

2024 Aug ?? ??? - Diamond Bay, Vaucluse, Sydney  (with Grace)

2024 Sep 01 Sun - Belmore Falls, Morton NP

2024 Aug 25 Sun - Unnamed waterfall, Megalong Valley

2024 Aug 11 Sun ??? may be - Rams Head Range - snowshoeing, Kosciuszko NP

2024 Aug 03 Sat - Clarence Arch & Porch of the Caryatids, Blue Mts

2024 Jul 28 Sun - Cape Solander, Kamay Botany Bay NP

2024 Jul 21 Sun - Blue Lake - snowshoeing, Kosciuszko NP

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2024 Jul 06 Sat - Lion Rock, Mugii Murum-ban SCA  (with Sam) ... Yay ! Done !

2024 Jun 29 Sat - Porch of the Caryatids, Blue Mts ... Yay ! Done !
2024 Jun 29 Sat - Clarence Arch, Blue Mts ... Yay ! Done !

2024 Jun 23 Sun - Lion Rock, Mugii Murum-ban SCA  (with John) ... Yay ! Done !

2024 Jun 16 Sun - Glenraphael Head to Carlon Head, Blue Mts ... Yay ! Done !

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Planned 3rd trip to 7 Gods Pinnacles, Morton Nat Pk, NSW
2024 month??? day??

In this 3rd trip, the aim is to climb one of the pinnacles.

If anyone is interested to join in for an adventure; and:
       • Has an AWD/4WD  or  able to rope in such a vehicle
       • Able to last 12 hours ... because I am not fast  :-)
then contact me  :-)

Photographs from 2nd trip

Below are some photographs from my 2nd trip to the 7 Gods Pinnacles.

I have been there twice:
- 1st trip: Plain vanilla outing

- 2nd trip: To finish unfinished businesses from the 1st trip  :-)
  Aim to:
       1  Locate Natural Arch.
       2  Climb up the northern-most pinnacle.
       3  Climb one other pinnacle.
  We managed to tick off #1 and #2.
  Run out of time for #3 ... And so, this will be the aim for the 3rd trip.


1)  On our way to the 7 Gods Pinnacles ~~~
A bushwalk is not a bushwalk without a rope/chain assisted climb  :-)

2)  Jim climbing up the chain

Natural Arch

3)  Unfinished business #1 ... Climb up to this arch ... It is called "Natural Arch".
The last time we were here, we missed the arch because it was quite high up.
(When walking, the tendency is to look down on the ground to avoid obstacles. Hence we missed it last time.)

4)  Climb up to beneath the arch, thus ticking off unfinished business #1  :-)
- This is a 180-degree view from ceiling to floor.
- The floor itself is like on the edge of a razor blade, steep drop off on both side ... an eerie place !

Seven Gods Pinnacles

5)  Now heading to the 7 Gods Pinnacles, the red arrow

Northern-most pinnacle, Rumdoodle

We arrive at the northern-most pinnacle of the 7 Gods Pinnacles.

It is a small one.  I call it the baby pinnacle  :-)   But it is known as Rumdoodle.

6)  At the northern-most pinnacle of the 7 Gods Pinnacles ~~~
- Looks easy to climb, but not so !
- We failed to climb it the last time we were here.

7)  I'm climbing up the northern-most pinnacle (Photographer: Jim)

8)  Unfinished business #2 ... Climb up the steepest part of the slope. (Photographer: Jim)
- The last time we were here, we gave up. We found the slope too steep to be climbed ... almost vertical and lack of handholds.

9)  Jim (right) and I (left) successfully climbed to the top of the northern-most pinnacle, thus ticking off unfinished business #2.

Plan for the 3rd trip

10)  Unfinished business #3 ... Climb up one of these pinnacles in the 7 Gods Pinnacles.
- It takes time to explore ways to climb them.
- Unfortunately, we run out of time.
- Will have to wait for the next (3rd) trip to tick this one off.


11)  Flowers along the trail ~~~
- Left pic: Isopogon anemonifolius, Broad-leaf Drumsticks
- Right pics: ??? ... Any botanist out there ?

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Planned day-trip to Wollangambe Crater, Blue Mts, NSW
2024 month??? day??

There is a foot track all the way from Bell to Wollangambe Crater, and as such quite boring for bushwalkers like me who prefer off-track walking.

The crater itself is also not interesting.  Just a level patch of grass  :-(

To jazz up the trip, I plan to climb (refer the map below):
- Centre of the Universe ... a 994-meter prominent pagoda-like rock formation
- 978-meter hill ... 2 km west of Wollangambe Crater
- 915-meter hill ... 1 km east of Wollangambe Crater

From satellite image, the 2 hills seem to have interesting pagodas.

There is a foot track to Centre of the Universe.

However, to the 978 and 915-meter hills require off-track climbing, and may involve uncomfortable rock scrambling ... Ah, perfect for me  :-)

Distance & Time

Day trip
-  20 km approx
-  11 hours for the day


- Head west along Bells Line of Road.
- Just before the main road crosses the railway line at Bell, turn into Sandham Rd.
- Drive up Sandham Rd for about 1.5km to a driveway on the right. There is a sign on a tree saying "Wollangambe River 5km", and the road changes from sealed to unsealed at this point. On the right is National Parks sign saying "Bell Perimeter Trail".
- Park car here on the side of the road.

GPS trace file

The planned GPS trace file can be downloaded from this link:


1:25,000 topographic map superimposed with the above GPS trace (in red):
4 blue arrows from left to right:
       1  Centre of The Universe ... A photograph is in: https://bushwalkingnsw.com/walk.php?nid=217
       2  978-meter hill ... off-track & rock scrambling to there
       3  Foot track ends here at Wollangambe Crater
       4  915-meter hill ... off-track & rock scrambling to there

You can download the above map from this link:

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