Who put them there ??? )
1994 October
Last month, I was awarded the title of International Master by ICCF Congress.
I had been a chess nut since high school.
Unfortunately, my only major success so far was Under-18 Queensland State Champion eons ago.
University, then work and other priorities took their toll.
Hence it was very satisfying to get this title under my belt just when I was about to retire from chess completely.
Looking back, this silly game on 64 squares had given me much pleasure.
Of the many games I had played, 4 stick out in my mind:
1. Best played game - Win against L A Summers
CCLA Candidates 1975
2. Best draw - Against P Lehikoinen
CCCA-70 Grandmaster Tournament, 1991
Lehikoinen is a formidable Grandmaster.
He has a website:
By the way, all the CCCA-70 games can be downloaded from this site:
When in the website, look for the event "CCCA-70".
3. My only win against a grandmaster, G C Van Perlo
CCCA-70 Grandmaster Tournament, 1991
Van Perlo is the author of a splendid book:
"A Comprehensive Guide to the Sunny Side of Chess Endgames"
4. An innovation - Win against R S Booth
CCLA 1987 Australian Championship
Here are the 4 games:
1. My best played game:
L A Summers - Paul Ma
CCLA Candidates 1975
Win to Black, 0 - 1
1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 c5
3. d5 e6
4. Nc3 exd5
5. cxd5 d6
6. Nf3 g6
7. e4 Bg7
8. Be2 OO
9. OO Re8
10. Nd2 Nbd7
11. f4 a6
12. a4 c4
Many games have been played from this position.
(A) 13 e5 leads to interesting firework but eventually fizzles out to a dead draw.
(B) 13 Bf3 and (C) 13 Nxc4 are well analyzed and about equal.
Hence if White wants to get out of well trodden paths, he has to try something new.
Steffen Zeuthen in his monumental book on Modern Benoni suggests:
(D) 13 Bxc4 which, at the time, has not been played.
13. Bxc4
So White tries this new move
which wins a Pawn and hangs on to it.
14. ... Nc5
14. Qc2 Ng4
15. Nf3 f5
16. h3 fxe4
17. hxg4 exf3
18. gxf3 Qf6
19. Qf2 h5
20. g5 Qf5
21. Rd1
Black can set a trap for White to fall in.
Can you see it?
21. ... Bd7 !
Ostensibly to attack the Queen-side.
And I bet he won't see the trap.
22. a5
Yup, he falls for it.
But it is so easy to do,
because in this position,
the natural instinct is to play 22 a5.
Now, can you see the tactical combination coming up?
White must have got a shock after seeing this.
It is like a bolt from the blue.
I'm quite proud of this move as you need to see it a move earlier on.
23. bxc3 Ne4
24. Qc2
There is no safe square for the Queen.
(For example, 24 Qb2 Nxg5, 25 fxg5 Qxf3 winning.)
It also explains why 21...Bd7 was necessary.
Had Black's Bishop been at c8,
then White can play Qe2 here.
24. ... Nxg5
25. Qxf5 Nxf3
26. Kf2 Bxf5
The point of Black's combination being that
now 27 Kxf3 Bg4 picks up White's Rook at d1.
27. Be2 Nh2
28. Ba3 Bg4
29. Rd2 Bxe2
30. Rxe2 Ng4
31. Kf3 Rxe2
32. Kxe2 Re8
33. Kd3
Unfortunate for White,
he can't move his King to the King-side.
33. ... Nf2
34. Kd2 Kf7
35. Rf1 Ne4
36. Kc2
This is the only save squre for the poor King.
36. ... Kf6
37. c4 Kf5
38. Bb4 h4
39. Kd3 h3
40. Be1 h2
41. Rh1 Rh8
42. Kd4 Rh3
43. c5 dxc5
44. Kc4 Kxf4
45. d6 Nxd6
46. Kxc5 Ne4
47. Kb6 Kf3
48. Kxb7 Kg2
49. Rxh2 Kxh2
50. Kxa6 Rb3
51. Ka7 Rb1
52. Ba4 g5
White resigns. 0 - 1
2. My best draw:
Pertti Ilari Lehikoinen (Grandmaster) - Paul Ma
CCCA-70 Grandmaster Tournament, 1991
Draw, 1/2 - 1/2
French Defence, Tarrasch Variation
1. e4 e6
2. d4 d5
3. Nd2 Nf6
4. e5 Nfd7
5. c3 c5
6. f4 Nc6
7. Ndf3 Qb6
8. g3 f6
9. Bd3 cxd4
10. cxd4 Be7
11. Kf1 OO
12. Kg2 Kh8
13. Bc2 Nb4
14. Bb1
At the time this game is played,
14...Rf7 (or even earlier with 13...Rf7)
has been suggested,
claiming that 15 h4 Nf8 is ok for Black.
But they overlook 16 h5 with the threat of Bg6 next.
14. ... Qd8
This is my idea - to vacate b6 for the Knight at d7.
But I overlook that White can win Black's h Pawn.
Looks like this line of the French Defence
is just not good for Black ... or is it ?
By playing 14...Qd8,
I may have invented a new gambit line ...
15. h4 Nb6
Sticking to my plan when I played 14...Qd8.
Not much better is 15...f5, because White has 16 g4, initiating a strong attack on the King-side.
16. exf6 ! gxf6
17 Ng5 !
as well as having a wrecked King-side!!!
(Needless to say, it is suicide to take White's Knight at g5.)
But I should know better.
Ng5 is a move that is always on the cards in this line of the French Defence.
I spend a lot on time here on my reply.
Not because Black's move is hard to find.
In fact 17...Qe8 is more or less forced
to prevent Qh5 by White.
I am debating with myself
whether it is worthwhile to continue with the game
or simply to resign and be done with it.
But the more I analyse it,
the more I find Black's position is quite good.
I can develop the pieces quickly
whereas White can't.
And if I can break through with ...e5 quickly enough,
then White will be in trouble
due to his airy King-side position.
So, my 14...Qd8 and 15...Nb6 inadvertently produces a new gambit line ... Ha! Let's called it ... better still, let's patent it as Paul's Gambit.
17. ... Qe8 !
18. Nxh7 Rg8
19. Ng5 Rg7
Again, it is suicide to take the Knight at g5.
20. N5h3
This and the next two moves by White are designed to keep open the d1-h5 diagonal for White's Queen.
20. ... Nc4
21 Nf2
Personally I would have opted for a quicker development with 21 Nf3.
21. ... Bd7
22. Ngh3 Nd6
Hhmmm... better may by 22...e5.
23. g4 e5
24. dxe5 fxe5
25. fxe5 Nf7
26. Bf4 Nc6
27. g5 Nfxe5
28. Re1 Bb4
29. Re3 Bc5
30. Rg3 Bxf2
31. Nxf2 Qf7
32. Be3
On 32 Bxe5 Nxe5, 33 g6 Qf4, 34 Qh5 Kg8, 35 Qg5 Qd4.
(A) 36 Re3? Re8. Threat is ...Nxg6 even if White plays 37 h5.
(B) 36 Bc2 Rf8, with counter play.
(C) 36 Bd3 Rf8, 37 Rf1; again Black has some chances.
32. ... Rf8
If 32...d4? 33 g6 Qe6 Bh6 wins.
33. Bc5
Another try is 33 g6 Qf6, 34 Bc5 Ne7, 35 h5 d4! followed by ...Bc6 after either 36 Bxd4 or 36 Qxd4. Black has enough counter chances for at least a draw.
33. ... Ne7
34. Bd4
White has to prevent ...d4 by Black.
Otherwise for example, 34 Bc2 d4.
(A) 35 Bxd4 Bc6 or ...Qd5.
(B) 35 Qxd4 Bc6 or ...Nf3.
In either case, Black has a very strong counter play
and White may even lose.
Note that 34 g6 is no good here.
Black simply plays 34...N5xg6.
34. ... N7c6
35 Bc5
Black is threatening 35...Nxd4.
For example, 35 Bc2 Nxd4, 36 Qxd4 Nf3
and White could be in trouble.
On 35 g6 Qf6, 36 Bc5 Ne7, 37 h5,
again 37...d4! comes to the rescue.
35. ... Ne7
36 Bd4
Draw 1/2 - 1/2
In another sense, I am glad of the draw after losing a Pawn in the opening ... getting away with a draw against a grandmaster is pretty good.
3. My only ever win against a grandmaster:
Paul Ma - Gerardus C Van Perlo (Grandmaster)
CCCA-70 Grandmaster Tournament, 1991
Win to White, 1 - 0
King's Indian Defence, Samisch Variation
1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 g6
3. Nc3 Bg7
4. e4 d6
5. f3 OO
6. Be3 e5
7. d5 Nh5
8. Qd2 f5
9. OOO Nd7
10. exf5 gxf5
11. Bd3 Ndf6
12. Nge2 a6
13. Bg5 Qe8
Now, the usual way for White to play in this position is
g3, h3 then g4.
I decide to try something new,
because Pawn pushing is not my style.
14. Ng3
my move puts pressure on Black immediately.
14. ... Nxg3 ?
Oh dear!!!
This ought to be counted as a big blunder.
Opening up the h-file is suicide.
One can almost write off Black now.
14...Qg6 looks yuk, but it holds everything
as I can't find any immediate break through for White.
15. hxg3 Nh5 ?
I don't understand this.
What is he trying to achieve?
Van Perlo may be a Grandmaster,
but he is playing like a little kid.
16. Rh3 Qg6
17. Rdh1 Nf6
See what I mean. 15...Nh5 is just a blunder.
18. Bxf6 Bxf6
19. Rxh7
So, White duly wins a pawn.
The rest of the game is of not much interest now.
19. ... e4
20. R7h6 Qg5
21. Rh8 Kf7
22. R8h7 Ke8
23. fxe4 Qxg3
24. Kb1 Bg7
25. exf5 Rxf5
26. Qc2 ! Re5
27. Bg6 Kf8
28. Rf1 Kg8
29. Rhh1 Bh6
30. Rxh6 Re1
31. Rxe1 Qxe1
32. Nd1
Black resigns. 1 - 0
4. Innovation:
R Stewart Booth - Paul Ma
1987 Australian Championship
Win to Black, 0 - 1
Of all the innovations I have played,
the one against Booth stands out,
because it turns a hitherto bad line for Black
into a playable one.
Nimzo-Indian Defence
1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 e6
3. Nc3 Bb4
4. Bg5 h6
5. Bh4 c5
6. d5 Bxc3
7. bxc3 e5
8. d6 Nc6
9. e3 g5
10. Bg3 Ne4
because White wins a pawn by his next move.
But I have an innovation up my sleeve !
11. Bxe5 Nxe5
12. Qd5 Qf6
13. Qxe4
is considered bad for Black
because 13...Kd8 has been the only reply,
and after which Black's Rook at a8 is hemmed in,
unable to get into play.
White is probably rubbing his hands in glee
at the prospect of chalking up a win.
But he hasn't counted on my innovation, 13...OO !
13. ... OO !
The point being ...
Black's King is quite safe on the K-side
even though the Pawn structure there is ragged.
Now, Black has a better development
as compensation for the Pawn.
14. Rd1 Re8 !
15. Be2 Re6
16. Qd5 Rb8
17. Qxc5 b6
18. Qd4 Bb7
19. Nf3 Bxf3
20. Bxf3 Nxf3
21. gxf3 Qxf3
22. Rg1 Rbe8
23. Rg3 Qh1
24. Ke2 Qxh2
25. Qd5 Rf6
26. Qg2
Followed by some scrappy play by Black (me).
Lucky for me, White lost on time later on. 0 - 1
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